Results for 'Thomas D. Craig'

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  1.  16
    Living between the Bedrock of Disability and the Hard Place of Social Identity.Thomas D. Craig - 2001 - American Journal of Semiotics 17 (4):201-228.
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    This Body I Call Mine as Transgressive Sign.Thomas D. Craig - 2011 - Schutzian Research 3:227-233.
  3.  1
    Meeting our students where they are: An ethics certificate program for hospital ethics committees.Mathew D. Pauley, Jana M. Craig, Alina Bennett, Angela G. Villanueva, Mary Carol Barks & Thomas May - forthcoming - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics:1-9.
    To meet the specific education needs of ethics committee members (primarily full-time healthcare professionals), the Regional Ethics Department of Kaiser Permanente Northern California (KPNCAL) and Washington State University’s Elson Floyd School of Medicine have partnered to create a one-academic year Medical Ethics Certificate Program. The mission-driven nature of the KPNCAL-WSU’s Certificate Program was designed to be a low-cost, high-quality option for busy full-time practitioners who may not otherwise opt to pursue additional education. This article discusses the specific competency-focused methodologies and (...)
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  4. Social influences and the communication of pain.Thomas Hadjistavropoulos, Kenneth D. Craig & Shannon Fuchs-Lacelle - 2004 - In Thomas Hadjistavropoulos & Kenneth D. Craig (eds.), Pain: Psychological Perspectives. Psychology Press. pp. 87--112.
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    Pain: Psychological Perspectives.Thomas Hadjistavropoulos & Kenneth D. Craig (eds.) - 2004 - Psychology Press.
    This invaluable resource presents a state-of-the-art account of the psychology of pain from leading researchers. It features contributions from clinical, social, and biopsychological perspectives, the latest theories of pain, as well as basic processes and applied issues. The book opens with an introduction to the history of pain theory and the epidemiology of pain. It then explores theoretical work, including the gate control theory/neuromatrix model, as well as biopsychosocial, cognitive/behavioral, and psychodynamic perspectives. Issues, such as the link between psychophysiological processes (...)
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    Research in History and Philosophy of Mathematics: The Cshpm 2017 Annual Meeting in Toronto, Ontario.Amy Ackerberg-Hastings, Marion W. Alexander, Zoe Ashton, Christopher Baltus, Phil Bériault, Daniel J. Curtin, Eamon Darnell, Craig Fraser, Roger Godard, William W. Hackborn, Duncan J. Melville, Valérie Lynn Therrien, Aaron Thomas-Bolduc & R. S. D. Thomas (eds.) - 2018 - Springer Verlag.
    This volume contains thirteen papers that were presented at the 2017 Annual Meeting of the Canadian Society for History and Philosophy of Mathematics/Société canadienne d’histoire et de philosophie des mathématiques, which was held at Ryerson University in Toronto. It showcases rigorously reviewed modern scholarship on an interesting variety of topics in the history and philosophy of mathematics from Ancient Greece to the twentieth century. A series of chapters all set in the eighteenth century consider topics such as John Marsh’s techniques (...)
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    Pierre Bayle and Voltaire (review).Craig Brush - 1965 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 3 (1):125-127.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:BOOK REVIEWS 125 to such a future contingent event, not only does such an event not exist now, it does not even exist in its causes now, and this for the reason that no sufficient causes of the event exist now. Accordingly, if someone were merely to make a guess to the effect that the sea-fight will occur tomorrow, and the fight actually does occur, it still could not (...)
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    Augustinian Just War Theory and the Wars in Afghanistan and Iraq: Confessions, Contentions, and the Lust for Power.Craig J. N. De Paulo - 2011 - New York, NY, USA: Peter Lang Publishing.
    Augustinian Just War Theory and the Wars in Afghanistan and Iraq: Confessions, Contentions and the Lust for Power,edited by Craig J. N. de Paulo, Senior Editor, et al. New York: Peter Lang Publishing, 2011. Details: A work concerning Augustine’s influence on Christian just war theory and the rhetoric of just war theorists from two symposia in addition to an Augustinian critique of the wars. Preface by Most Rev. Sean Cardinal O’ Malley, O.F.M. Cap., Archbishop of Boston. Foreword by Roland (...)
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    (1 other version)The Meaning of life.E. D. Klemke (ed.) - 1981 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Many writers in various fields--philosophy, religion, literature, and psychology--believe that the question of the meaning of life is one of the most significant problems that an individual faces. In The Meaning of Life, Second Edition, E.D. Klemke collects some of the best writings on this topic, primarily works by philosophers but also selections from literary figures and religious thinkers. The twenty-seven cogent, readable essays are organized around three different perspectives on the meaning of life. In Part I, the readings assert (...)
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  10. Proportionality, causation, and exclusion.Thomas D. Bontly - 2005 - Philosophia 32 (1):331-348.
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    The Concept of Representation.D. A. Lloyd Thomas - 1969 - Philosophical Quarterly 19 (75):186-187.
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    Ethical Challenges in Digital Psychology and Cyberpsychology.Thomas D. Parsons - 2019 - Cambridge University Press.
    Our technologies are progressively developing into algorithmic devices that seamlessly interface with digital personhood. This text discusses the ways in which technology is increasingly becoming a part of personhood and the resulting ethical issues. It extends upon the framework for a brain-based cyberpsychology outlined by the author's earlier book Cyberpsychology and the Brain: The Interaction of Neuroscience and Affective Computing. Using this framework, Thomas D. Parsons investigates the ethical issues involved in cyberpsychology research and praxes, which emerge in algorithmically (...)
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    Personalism.Thomas D. Williams - 2010 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
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    (1 other version)Independence and interdependence in collective decision making: an agent-based model of nest-site choice by honeybee swarms.Thomas D. Seeley, Christian Elsholtz & Christian List - 2008 - Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 364 (1518):755-762.
    Condorcet's jury theorem shows that when the members of a group have noisy but independent information about what is best for the group as a whole, majority decisions tend to outperform dictatorial ones. When voting is supplemented by communication, however, the resulting interdependencies between decision makers can strengthen or undermine this effect: they can facilitate information pooling, but also amplify errors. We consider an intriguing non-human case of independent information pooling combined with communication: the case of nest-site choice by honeybee (...)
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    Perceptions of Medical Providers on Morality and Decision-Making Capacity in Withholding and Withdrawing Life-Sustaining Treatment and Suicide.Thomas D. Harter, Erin L. Sterenson, Andrew Borgert & Cary Rasmussen - 2021 - AJOB Empirical Bioethics 12 (4):227-238.
    Background: This study attempts to understand if medical providers beliefs about the moral permissibility of honoring patient-directed refusals of life-sustaining treatment (LST) are tied to their beliefs about the patient’s decision-making capacity. The study aims to answer: 1) does concern about a patient’s treatment decision-making capacity relate to beliefs about whether it is morally acceptable to honor a refusal of LST, 2) are there differences between provider types in assessments of decision-making capacity and the moral permissibility to refuse LST, and (...)
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    Overcoming Conflicting Definitions of “Euthanasia,” and of “Assisted Suicide,” Through a Value-Neutral Taxonomy of “End-Of-Life Practices”.Thomas D. Riisfeldt - 2023 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 20 (1):51-70.
    The term “euthanasia” is used in conflicting ways in the bioethical literature, as is the term “assisted suicide,” resulting in definitional confusion, ambiguities, and biases which are counterproductive to ethical and legal discourse. I aim to rectify this problem in two parts. Firstly, I explore a range of conflicting definitions and identify six disputed definitional factors, based on distinctions between (1) killing versus letting die, (2) fully intended versus partially intended versus merely foreseen deaths, (3) voluntary versus nonvoluntary versus involuntary (...)
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  17. Augustine on Lying and Deception.Thomas D. Feehan - 1988 - Augustinian Studies 19:131-139.
  18.  31
    Why Tolerate Conscientious Objections in Medicine.Thomas D. Harter - 2019 - HEC Forum 33 (3):175-188.
    Most arguments about conscientious objections in medicine fail to capture the full scope and complexity of the concept before drawing conclusions about their permissibility in practice. Arguments favoring and disfavoring the accommodation of conscientious objections in practice tend to focus too narrowly on prima facie morally contentious treatments and religious claims of conscience, while further failing to address the possibility of moral perspectives changing over time. In this paper, I argue that standard reasons against permitting conscientious objections in practice—that their (...)
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    Baldwin and Wittgenstein on White Supremacism and Religion.Thomas D. Carroll - 2023 - Journal of the American Academy of Religion 91 (2):346–363.
    This article contends that James Baldwin’s exploration of racism and resistance to it in The Fire Next Time may be put into conversation with Ludwig Wittgenstein’s consideration of fundamental epistemic commitments in On Certainty. Out of this constructive engagement, I argue that white supremacism in the United States may be interpreted as being like a Wittgensteinian grounding or "hinge" commitment and that this viewpoint illuminates some of the ways in which white supremacism may interact with various kinds of religious commitments. (...)
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  20. Epistemological problems of memory.Thomas D. Senor - 2008 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
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    Wittgenstein and Justice.D. A. Lloyd Thomas - 1974 - Philosophical Quarterly 24 (94):76-77.
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    Virtual Reality for Enhanced Ecological Validity and Experimental Control in the Clinical, Affective and Social Neurosciences.Thomas D. Parsons - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
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    A response to critics: weakening the ethical distinction between euthanasia, palliative opioid use and palliative sedation.Thomas D. Riisfeldt - 2020 - Journal of Medical Ethics 46 (1):59-62.
    My essay ‘Weakening the ethical distinction between euthanasia, palliative opioid use and palliative sedation’ has recently generated some critique which I will attempt to address in this response. Regarding the empirical question of whether palliative opioid and sedative use shorten survival time, Schofieldet alraise the three concerns that my literature review contains a cherry-picking bias through focusing solely on the palliative care population, that continuous deep palliative sedation falls beyond the scope of routine palliative care, and that my research may (...)
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  24. Discovering empirical patterns in the social sciences : small assignments with web-based data in introductory classes.Thomas D. Lancaster - 2018 - In Jeffery Galle & Rebecca L. Harrison (eds.), Revitalizing classrooms: innovations and inquiry pedagogies in practice. Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield.
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    Stories of philosophy: an introduction through original fiction and discussion.Thomas D. Davis - 2019 - New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
    Stories of Philosophy is an introduction to philosophy textbook that combines both fiction and philosophical discussion. It combines compelling stories devoted to particular philosophical problems followed by clear and detailed guided discussions of the topics and ideas explored within the fictional stories. The text includes chapters on Logic, Appearance and Reality, The Nature of Mind, Freedom and Responsibility, The Existence of God, and Morality. Each chapter has several highly praised pedagogical features, including chapter-opening learning objectives, boldfaced key terms, questions for (...)
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    Competitive Equality of Opportunity.D. A. Lloyd Thomas - 1977 - Mind 86 (343):388-404.
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    On the Alleged Causeless Beginning of the Universe: A Reply to Quentin Smith.Thomas D. Sullivan - 1994 - Dialogue 33 (2):325-.
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    Bioethics Wars.Thomas D. Harter - 2023 - In Jason T. Eberl & Kevin S. Decker (eds.), Star Wars and Philosophy Strikes Back. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley. pp. 11–19.
    People are typically grateful for medical technologies used in the treatment of illness or injury. This chapter explores how Lucas has led Star Wars audiences astray into accepting false beliefs and fallacies about the value of technology, particularly in a medical context. Via the naturalistic fallacy, Lucas conveys the false belief that most technology is “unnatural” and so is bad, harmful, or associated with the dark side. Lucas is not wrong that technology can be fearful, but its value depends in (...)
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  29. (2 other versions)Moral reasoning and truth, an essay in philosophy and jurisprudence.Thomas D. Perry - 1977 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 167 (3):352-353.
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  30. Annual address to the college of physicians and surgeons of Lexington, in which the principle and practice of medical ethics are illustrated and urged as essential.. delivered.Thomas D. Mitchell - 1839 - Lexington, Ky.,:
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    Plato's Euthyphro 10 a to 11 b.Thomas D. Paxson - 1972 - Phronesis 17 (2):171 - 190.
    That 'what all the gods love is holy (pious) and, on the other hand, what they all hate is unholy (impious)' is not an adequate account of the holy. The key to understanding the argument is found to rest in the epagogai and in the principle of substitutibility employed later in socrates' argument. I contend that not only is socrates' argument valid, but it is capable of application to a large class of accounts both theological and sociological.
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    Prof. Swain's account of knowledge.Thomas D. Paxson - 1974 - Philosophical Studies 25 (1):57 - 61.
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    Answering Brody's challenge from a pharmapologist perspective.Thomas D. Harter - 2011 - American Journal of Bioethics 11 (1):29 - 30.
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    Furtum and the description of stolen objects in cicero in verrem 2.4.Thomas D. Frazel - 2005 - American Journal of Philology 126 (3):363-376.
    Cicero portrays Verres here in ways that are strikingly similar to those that would be used against a thief in a civil proceeding: he emphasizes that Verres carried off goods, characterizes Verres' purchases as forced sales, and describes the stolen objects in a spare manner like the one used in theft accusations. Cicero's matter-of-fact descriptive mode also plays a key role in his own self-presentation as an informed, but not enthusiastic, consumer of art, unlike Verres. The spare descriptions thus reinforce (...)
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    Jonathan Edwards's Moral Thought and its British Context.D. O. Thomas - 1983 - Philosophical Books 24 (2):79-81.
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    Asymmetric attribute interaction in concept identification.Thomas D. Wickens & Brian Zax - 1973 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 98 (2):335.
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    The Authoritative and the Authoritarian. Joseph Vining.Thomas D. Eisele - 1987 - Ethics 97 (4):873-874.
  38.  33
    The Justification of Liberalism.D. A. Lloyd Thomas - 1972 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 2 (2):199 - 217.
    There are a number of grounds for criticizing what the state requires of one, and for thinking that one no longer has an obligation to obey it. I will begin by attempting to locate liberalism amongst such grounds. It is useful for this purpose to contrast two headings under which these grounds may fall. Firstly, there are criticisms concerning the content of the requirements of the state. In this case exception is taken to what it is that the law requires (...)
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    Secularization: Openness to God?Thomas D. Stanks - 1969 - Thought: Fordham University Quarterly 44 (2):185-200.
    The God that our age is revealing to us is one Who asks new questions, challenges men anew, calls to deeper honesty and better service.
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    Benevolence and Absolute Prohibitions.Thomas D. Sullivan & Gary Atkinson - 1985 - International Philosophical Quarterly 25 (3):247-259.
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    Between Thoughts and Things.Thomas D. Sullivan - 1976 - New Scholasticism 50 (1):85-95.
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    Concepts.Thomas D. Sullivan - 1982 - New Scholasticism 56 (2):146-168.
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    Ethical Considerations for “Reopening” Health Care Organizations Amid COVID-19.Thomas D. Harter - 2020 - American Journal of Bioethics 20 (7):95-97.
    Volume 20, Issue 7, July 2020, Page 95-97.
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  44. Critical Introduction to the Epistemology of Memory.Thomas D. Senor - 2019 - New York: Bloomsbury.
    In this clear and up-to-date introduction, Thomas D. Senor lays the philosophical foundation needed to understand the justification of memory belief. This book explores traditional accounts of the justification of memory belief and examines the resources that prominent positions in contemporary epistemology have to offer theories of the memorial justification. Along the way, epistemic conservatism, evidentialism, foundationalism, phenomenal conservatism, reliabilism, and preservationism all feature. Study Questions and annotated Further Reading guides at the end of each chapter make this book (...)
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  45. Thomas Hurka, Perfectionism, New York, Oxford University Press, 1993, pp. xi + 222.D. A. Lloyd Thomas - 1995 - Utilitas 7 (2):327.
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    Two domains of rights.Thomas D. Perry - 1985 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 45 (4):567-580.
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    The Relationship between Firm Innovation and Corporate Social Responsibility.Thomas D. Berry & Erica Wagner - 2019 - Business and Professional Ethics Journal 38 (2):137-146.
    Firm innovation creates an informational asymmetry between the firm and outside stakeholders. Since CSR activities have been shown to reduce asymmetries and risk we surmise that firms use discretionary CSR activities to reduce the asymmetries from innovation. We study an innovation intense industry and find results that support the hypothesis that firms use CSR to signal long term viability of innovative activities.
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    Tom Morawetz's "robust enterprise": Jurisprudence after Wittgenstein.Thomas D. Eisele - 2006 - Philosophical Investigations 29 (2):140–179.
    I examine one theme within Tom Morawetz's complex jurisprudential work (stemming from Wittgenstein): the concept of a practice. After considering this theme in some detail, I then sketch a different jurisprudential approach that still proceeds within the inspiration of Wittgenstein's later philosophy. Here, I summarise Stanley Cavell's elaborate recounting of Wittgenstein's twin concepts, “criteria” and “grammar.” In a third and final section, I employ this alternative method to provide a brief example of how a Wittgensteinian approach might be made towards (...)
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  49.  59
    Contested concepts and hard cases.Thomas D. Perry - 1977 - Ethics 88 (1):20-35.
  50.  52
    Moral autonomy and reasonableness.Thomas D. Perry - 1968 - Journal of Philosophy 65 (13):383-401.
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